Saturday, March 04, 2006

1/144 Blitzkrieg

Here is a little scene with some items I am working on, this contains a mix of various 1/144 early war period tanks from various manfactuers.....

1. Prohobby** Panzer I (Radio/Command Tank) Resin Kit (i lost the front aerial so had to improvise with a photo-etched part instead1).

2. Dragon Panzer Korps Pz38(t) - Plastic Kit (the plastic aerial is replace with wire).
3. Dragon Panzer Korps Pz38(t) - Plastic Kit (the plastic aerial is replace with wire).

4. PropHobby Panzer II (Ausf B.) - Resin Kit (note the extra detail and proportions comapared to #5).

5. Dragon Panzer Korps Panzer II (Ausf B.) - Plastic Kit.

6. I know what this is do you? - i will leave this as a surprise..... for now

I am still working on these and a number of other items in this area.

I will do a comparison of Prohobby - Dragon - WTM - POPY panzers very soon!
I will also reveal the mystery item no. 6
I may even do a comparison report on the merits of the different manufactuered versions.


  1. By looking at the road wheels, I think #4 is a Ausf "b" which is a prototype where the Ausf "B" is the production type.

  2. Do you have the webpage of Prohobby?

  3. prohobby home page:
