Monday, March 13, 2006

1/144 CafeReo MilitaryAircraft "big bird" - update

big composite pitcure of close-ups from this series...
Still no word of "if" or "what" the specual "might" be?
I suspect it will be a colour variation -
but doesnt take a great leap of imagination to reach that conclusion!?
still seems on track for April 2006


  1. The special would be the Betty+okha the flying manned bomb...
    I was looking in Cafereo site and don´t find a e-mail contact...

  2. Cafe Reo have traditionally had an all new type as one of their specials. I think Roberto is probably right...or it could be a B-24D....but it might be a FW200, or a Stirling, or a Pe-8. Well, we can only hope....
