Tuesday, May 16, 2006

1/144 Dragon Can.do Micro Armour 18!!!!!!!

1/144 Dragon Can.do Micro Armour 18!!!!!!!
マイクロアーマー第18弾 メルカバ(発売時期未定)
bad news its in japanese and I dont know what it meands, automatic translation is rubbish!!??
see amnetcity!!


  1. The Dragon Cando 18th series is for Merkava, the Isreal MBT.

  2. thanks....
    well thats a few more dollars saved!


    PS: how was the trip to Japan?

  3. That's right. I wonder who will buy as we have Merkava from WTM and Trumpeter. Who wants another one?

  4. the WTM 6 Merkavas did not sell well at all, come to think of it WTM 6 did not sell well and WTM9 seem to be available quite cheap already.....
    Lets hope WTM 10 comes to the rescue!!!!!

  5. It looks like destined to be a disaster. Even if they do some nice T72/T80 variants, although they were released before, I think more people will buy than Merkava. Don't get me wrong, I like Merkava, but I don't need more than one.
