Thursday, April 10, 2008

1/144 Sopwith Snipe + Bristol Bulldog - by Don Schmenk

1/144 Sopwith Snipe + Bristol Bulldog - by Don Schmenk (UPDATE)
Some exciting models form "Don's Custom Models"
Don's website can be found here:
The model is brush painted with Vallejo silver for the metalcowls and mixed the silver 2:1 with light aircaft grey for the doped linenareas.
Blue Rider did a set of WW1 roundels in 1/144 with and without thewhite outer ring.
The 19 sqn markings were photo reduced from a 1/72 decal sheet and printedon a laser printer and they work well against a light background.
'Strutz' by Aeoclub where used for the struts to makes life easier.
Think you'll agree not only well sculpted resin kits, but super paint work!
1/144 Sopwith Snipe.
1/144 Bristol Bulldog.
Note: the plans and drawings seen in the photos are not incuded!
thanks to D. Campell for the photographs and infomation!


  1. Don't forget the Hawker Fury in two of the photos! I know that Don is doing several other new items, ranging from other biplanes like a Gloster Gladiator and an Armstrong Whitworth Siskin to a DH88 Comet (air race competitor from the early 1930's) and a North American FJ-1 Fury (early US jet).

  2. the DH88 Comet is done, i am awaiting the test decals from JBOT before breaking the paints out!
