Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1/144 EE B-57A/RB-57A "Canberra" USAF (upd!)

1/144 EE B-57A/RB-57A + RBN-57 C "Canberra" USAF
Amodel are continuing to produce more Canberra varients.......
Don't forget to check the OZ-MODS RB-57 and conversion packs?
See here for some interesting USAF Photos including Tac-Recon schemas!
see here for OZMODS RB-57 - scroll down
conversions -scroll down


  1. The canopies actually do look correct, at least from what I can tell. I haven't purchased these yet, but if they ever come out with a B-57F, I'll have to get on it quickly. It's wishful thinking, since the one thing they didn't make modular in their mold was the wings. I doubt we'll get either the D variant with long wings, or the F variant with even longer wings. I never thought I'd say this, but now there's too many Canberra kits to fit in my budget!

  2. I'd suspect the RB-57A is exactly the same plastic as the earlier B2/B20 kit with new decals. Apart from the already noted issues (wrong bomb bay, no airbrakes etc) it should be reasonably accurate.

    The B-57 B/C looks ok too. This time the inaccuracies of the original kit will work in its favour, probably making this the most accurate of the A-Model Canberra variants :-)

  3. badger

    you are correct, sloppy work on my part.

    I wrote the text for the "A" series thinking it should be look like the "B" or "C" , and then found the image for the "B" + "C" and forgot to change the text.

    the modular section approach *could* work, the new longer winged verisons would jus need a new centre secton?

    admittedly constucting the kit so the wings could be changed might have been a better option, but maybe there is some logic o be revealed in thier thinking?


  4. ...and yes, soon we will have more Canberra from Amodel than Zeros from Sweet!

  5. Someone needs to inform Amodel about the paucity of 1/144 scale Spitfires. If they got on a roll like they have with the Canberra, we'd end up with every Spitty variant ever made! ;-)
