Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1/144 Zero Fighter A6M5 Model 52 / 52a Kou - By Sweet

1/144 Zero Fighter A6M5 Model 52 / 52a Kou - By Sweet ==========================================

OK, please don't hate me but i have been keeping a secret from you...
Sweet are to release the Zero Fighter A6M5 Model 52 / 52a in two different editions!

- First Pack Type in November 2009
- Second Pack Type in December 2009 (Homeland Defence option)

That means if you play your cards right and have been a good boy all year, Santa might bring you one to the end of you bed come Christmas time!?
Price 1,200 Yen
Expect the usual high quality model kits (2x per box) and a extensive range of decal options.
If your lucky, MYK-Decals may also have some after market ZERO decals for you too!?
rememember to write (dont forget your name & address) before its too late to:
Father Christmas, Northpole, Lapland!
or , in the UK.
Santa, Reindeerland, SAN TA1 (trust me you'll get a response!)


  1. I was wondering when you were going to post about this! Lovely. By the way, next up, are Zeros on floats AKA Rufes.

    I doubt we'll get anything other than a Zero from Sweet anytime soon. Still, it's an opportunity to save up or buy more Hurricanes instead!

  2. Weren't they supposed to do a spitfire as well?

  3. Badger,
    The orignal post somehow just sat in draft and got over looked!


    Yes, on very good authority an indication of nature... There have been other projects that have slipped by a year or two (eek!)
