While these have not been seen to the large extend of the previous series in wal-mart, there does appear to be the potential for another "pre" or "post" series of the new millenium tanks.
They are the same models, but with a different paint schemes!
I know many people would have liked to have seen a completely new range of models produced we must be postitive about the potential for a new edition!
maybe next time there will be some new model designs?
Strangely this "new" series of repainted items was seen not in "Wal-Mart" but in "Kaybee" stores, this is further interesting as it "New Millenium Toys " should be a "Wal-Mart" Brand!?
"The Panzer (IV) is tan with a darker shade airbrushed on the skirts. The Panther, Tiger, & KingTiger all have a 3 color camo (tan, brown & green). 2 of these also sported small tan dots as part of the camo. "The Sherman is now seen above in the new colour scheme.
The M18 is a slightly different shade of olive drab with differient "white star" markings"
Many Thanks to "soxpicks" for this information?http://www.warbird-photos.com/gpxd/viewtopic.php?t=3942&start=20&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight