Monday, April 02, 2007

1/144 Pz IV Assualt Brigde - Metal Troops

1/144 Pz IV Assualt Bridge - Metal Troops
Well, the long awaited model has arrvied, and i have mixed thoughts.
On the one hand it is a brave attampet and yo can see where the money has gone in makeing the item and on the other hand there are a few problems!
The simplest is the weathering or shading, i woul have hoped for the quality of finish that ther other 'Metal Troops'' items have, considering the natue of this vehichcle i would have hoped for some more dirt. The there is a little weathering on the up surface but not much to speak off, and the wealths are basically paintein a light earth colour to repreent dust and mud i imagine?
The final issues also relt to the finish, it is good that they have gone to to trouble of adding metal ire to represent steel cables, the only problem is if you move the bridge once or twice the paint falls of and you worry about the longer term life of the cables?
The bridge itself! - it is not clear as to how many of tte sections are designed to expand, i manage to get section to expand which is probably enough for most people, the bridge looks lke it my expnd more, the trouble i the fine metal is (1) too delicate to take much pushing and shoving and bends easily, there is a fear of breakage, (2) the paint has been applied to bare metal and not primed, again this causes for the paint to easily come off the metal base... this is so esy to fix at manufacture.... as anyone who has made metal kits or painted soldier and vehivcles for war games knows!
The other good point with regard to global shipping, is that the product is supplied on the smaller display bases, this will make it cheaper for you to buy and ship!
I look forward to the other releases this year, especialy the tank transporter!!

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