1/144 F-TOYS Wing Kit Collection Vol.1
.10 in a box, 9 kind + secrets
Estimated Release: 2007/08/13
remember these are in the kit style of the "wings of the luftwaffe" series
well, if you like japanese IJN you will be in heaven with this release!
as for the rest of us.... we can sulk quietly!?
ok, maybe i will have a few J7W1 ?
So we have a Nate, Tenzan, Shinden, Hayate (or is it a Shiden) and Raiden. Oh, and more Zeros, as if we didn't have enough from Takara World Wings Museum series previously! The Hayate has some variety in camo schemes if F-Toys had checked around, but I've never seen the Raiden in anything other than standard IJN Green. At least, the Nate and Tenzan lend a bit of interest scheme-wise.
The J7W1 Shinden is a personal favourite, so I'll definitely be putting it at the top of my list when this series comes out. As far as I'm aware, the Shinden was previously available in 1/144 as a Dynavector white metal kit and a Canvas Japanese X-Planes entry - both appear in earlier Kampfgruppe 144 blogs. According to StarJet, there's also a Furuta version that comes out at 1/142 scale. The Shinden is always depicted in IJN Green, probably because only two were ever built, and just the one actually flew.
A fairly simple conversion would be to make a J7W2 Shinden-Kai, with turbo engine replacing the prop. Gino Marcomini, one of the artists featured on Don Johnson's Luft46 website, has done some great paintings of the Shinden-Kai in a scheme similar to the one we're most used to with the Ki61 Tony (see http://www.j-aircraft.com/). Sounds like a plan!
Oh, and before anyone picks me up on this, I know the J7W2 was never built. But, just like a number of the Luft46 examples in the Popy Projeekt Flieger series, I think a bit of creative licence in colour schemes is allowed!
Sadly, the "Nate and Tenzan" are actually a B5N Kate and a D3A Val. Both of which have been done by Bandai and Monochrome.
A Ki-27 Nate would have been fantastic. And a claude - even better!
Makes you wonder who makes these blinkered choices. What about the D13a Jake floatplane or the Tsurugi attack aircraft? Perhaps a good Ki-44 or a never before seen Ki-100 Goshikisen...
J7W1 - "allegedley" metal kit released by Dynavector!? but not sure in what quantities? - i tired theri usual suppliers and even directly with dynaector and nothing....... i dont think even SJ got hold of copy to auction? a bit of a mystery!
As for other J7W1s, yes Furuta did one slightly smaller than 1/144
they also did the komet look-a-like.
Canvas did the J7W1 and possibly J7W2, this overall is not a bad range, quite a few interesting aircraft, but hard to get hold off although there seemed to be a few batches coming up more recently.
POPY of course where the first with the J7W1 with the best quality model done to date in 1/144, very hard to get hold of even a few yers back virtually impossoble now! - and POPY also did the ultra rare J7W1(J) "Ente" in Luftwafe markings!
i dont know what it is for some reason most of the IJA/IJN aircraft just dont do it for me.... however some of their long range flying boats are quie interesting!?
I have the Canvas J7w..but popy had one much better..and I can´t have buy one..and I don´t understand why they don´t send their "special" products separated now since they closed the project panzer and project flieger series.. I think that specials are very good products and would sell welll
KAte is the another good iten..since the Bandai Wc was good and is very hard to get now...
but Zero(uncounted releases),Val(with old LS,Monochome),George(with Bandai,Platz and old Ls),Jack(old Ls,Bandai and Fujimi) are not good itens to put in this series..
Yes the Nate and Claude are much more desired..
hmmm, i dont mind the Kate and Shinden. the rest... ho hummm, esp the zeroes.
I think Fujimi makes a fairly nice Ki44 Shoki and J2 Raiden in 1/144.
Thanks, Anonymous. Boy, am I slipping! There was a time I could recognise most WW2 aircraft, but mistaking a Nate for a Val? I definitely need new glasses!
I join with Anon and RobertK in calling for variety, even if it is in IJN/IJA stuff. Anon, apparently Arii did a Ki100 in 1/144 according to info on the Web, though I've never seen it. Then again, (i) Arii kits are pretty rare here in Australia and (ii) I've often read how bad they can be, specially in the canopy region. And, of course, there are a couple of elderly Jakes out there (Minicraft, Crown).
The Ki115 Tsurugi is a good choice, albeit with few colour scheme options from what I can gather. And, in keeping with the floatplane theme set by the Jake, how about a E7K2 Type 94 Alf biplane?
Another definitely not covered in 1/144 is the Ki102 Randy. As I said in another blog entry, it does present one more unusual colour scheme option - deep bluish purple! Go well with a pink photoreconn Spitty ... oops, sorry guys, still smarting over the Bitter-Sweet Spitfire affair!!!
Oh, and BD99, where do I steal a Popy J7W1 "Ente" from?!!
Indian Jones, Pink Panther or Raffles!
or maybe obi-wan, and he can detect its presence using "the force"!?
you gonna need to set up and automatic search, they still come up once every year or two
either that
you know anyone with a "Yahoo.co.jp" Account?
though you might still need to wait a year.
I took this line up from a japanese site, so i figure their japanese is better than mine!?
01. Mitsubishi zero type 21
02. Nakajima B5N KATE
03. Aichi D3A VAL
04. Mitsubishi J2M JACK
05. Kawanishi N1K-J JORGE
06. Kyushu J7W1 Shinden
Thanks, Blue! May the force be with you, too! However, it is good to know that these things sometimes appear for sale. The problem, as always, is $$$$!
So No.5 is a Shiden (George) after all. Revell, Arii and several others have had a go at this one before. Sadly, the Shiden is similar to the Raiden camo-wise - almost exclusively IJN Green!
the last few Popy J7W1 "Ente" on ebay have sold for $100 USD.
you *might* be able to get it for half that on yahoo.jp
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