These are an odd few items, I did wonder about showing them but hey! you live an learn.
The items look much better in real life, the photographhs reflect on odd optical effect where you are automatically zoomed into an unnatureal view point (i.e about 2 inches from your face!) opposed to being at arms length on a display?
The real aim here is to encourage people to get their hands dirty and try new things! (or is that a different blog!!)
I made 3 variations based on "heavy duty" weathering.
first, the tanks had sections of armour cut away,
They were then spray prime, and then were painted in Dunkel Gelb, then dry brushed with a lighter shade of tan.
One tank was specially selected to be covered in netting (this was made from old curtains), this also had a three colour camoflage scheme applied.
another tank had holes and gouges made to simulate shell damage!
Basically I then made a "mud" paste, this was a mix of filler, thinners and brown paint mixed to the colour required and quite a thick texture. this was used to fill the tanks and lower chassis with mud, then various grade of railway "scenics" or "scatter" was sprinkled onto the still wet mixture.
on the upper chassis and turret then "dirty water" or "matte varnish" was used to wet the surface for again allowin the scenics and scatter to be applied.
I did experiment with different grades of "scatter" and "fibres" to see how realistic the differnet types would be. It is safe to say the finer grade scatters look more relaistic, the fibres need to be applied more precisely as a random effect is a bit odd looking!?
I think the use of nets was ok, but in future an option might be to apply it just to the sides of a turret?
Lichens I hear you say? I did wonder about this to simulate bushes or tree branches, but it look too fake!
i hope you find them interesting and they provoke some thought?
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