Thanks to the person who highlighted this Yahoo.jp auction to me!
i think this is the first time since this series was released that I have actually seen any photos of this items!
it was a special "Lottery" items, i think maybe only 300 pieces in total?
however the price is currently 15,000 Yen, 140 USD or 74 GBP!
I think this is too much, even for me! I will have to be the plane to repaint a standard he-100 to replicate this one!
This site is recommended in case of the auction. http://auction.arekashite.com/
After the two F-Toys' Sea Kings that sold on eBay for $US720 and $US500 recently, $US140 is chickenfeed! Seriously though, with people willing to pay really big dollars for an item simply because the decals or paint scheme is different is one of the odder trends associated with gashapon and trading miniatures. Whatever happened to repainting? And there are increasing numbers of 3rd party decals appearing for 1/144 regularly.
Again, Martin, I refer other bloggers to the KG144 entry showing Roberto's excellent "Ente" version of the Shinden. Much better than the Popy Special, yet goodness knows what the latter would fetch if someone stuck one up on eBay now.
i think you may get more putting it up on yahhoo.jp than ebay...
...or, are you about to open the bidding at 200 dollars :)
not bad for the doner kit fron the f-toys IJN series!
obviously going after rare or unusal items is part of the game and i am sure we have all spent over out mental/price threshold relative to our circumstances but every now and again their is a surprise!?
painting is a useful option, not all gashopon collectors are perhaps as handy with an airbrush as Roberto and others are?
i am tempted to buy the anigrand nakajima for the special kits now that i have seen them on the P144 site!
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