.7Toys7, appear to have got themselves a bit of an interesting exclusive?
.A set of 1/144 FW-190 , the colour schemes seem to like the forthcoming Platz Paint schemes, although it is not clear if these models are also based upon Platz kits, or one of the many linked cooperations between Japanese and Chinese model companies!?
.Anyway, there are 4x Varieties of FW190
.Available in set of 4, or single item where available!
- Major Walter Dahl "blue 13" JG300
- Uffz Ernet Schroder "Red 19" 5/JG300
- Lt. Gustl Salffner Staffelkapitan"White 6" 7./JG300
- "Yellow 17"I./JG300
** Pre-order! Available at Early June **
.Note: Photographs reproduced with permission of 7TOYS7
Sets of 4x, or singles are available:
more here:
These are the built versions of what Aoshima is putting out later this month. They're priced at 1000 yen for a twin pack.
Some of the pictures out there show that these are highly detailed. Perhaps a bit too much panel lines and rivet holes at this scale, but they'll look good with some weathering washes.
Interestingly, I haven't seen any of the already built kits sell anywhere but e-bay, and only by 7toy7!
Nice planes and schemes BUT I don't like the excessive panel lines and definetly do NOT like the golfball like holes that are supposed to be rivets!
Highly detailed but some of the pre-assembly could be better judging by the photos - a bit of the 21st Century Toys construction IMHO.
One odd point. Notice how the fuselage is constructed - very much like a lot of metal diecasts with the base a separate entity (e.g. Altaya, Atlas, Corgi). At the postal rate 7Toys7 are charging versus other comparative models in their catalogue ($US8.00 versus $US4.50 to Oz), you'd almost conclude that at least some part of the model is metal!
Peter also has a point about panel lines and rivets. Sometimes this can look OK, but is it accurate? Mmmm, unlikely. But at least the rivets aren't those monsters that Fairy puts on its resin kits.
i have ordered some, so lets see what they look like whn they arrive!??
Turns out they are being released by ACI Toys (http://www.acitoys.com/), who also do the Metal Troops range of 1/144 AFVs, so you'd expect the detail to be pretty good.
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