"AZ Model" Airport 144- plastic kits
(also sold under "Legato" Brand)
Expected Release September 2008
(also sold under "Legato" Brand)
Expected Release September 2008
Bascially a number of Fokker F.VIIb 3m machines, made by Fokker and under License to other
manufacturers. It will be available with different paint schemes / layouts!
LP4401 1/144 Fokker/Avia F.VIIb 3m,
LP4402 1/144 Fokker F.VIIb 3m Military,
LP4403 1/144 Avro 618 Ten , Imperial Airways, 1/144
LP4404 1/144 Romeo Ro.10/Fokker F.VII 3m , Expe
LP4404 1/144 Romeo Ro.10/Fokker F.VII 3m , Expe
LP4405 1/144 ATR-72 - Expected: ??/??
Legato website:
An interesting kit with some diverse decal options. Apart from the HyperScale review, there are some good pictures of the box artwork, decal sheets and sprues on the Legato website (http://www.legatokits.cz/).
There are some 1/144 resin items still to appear from another European company, A&V Model. Apart from an Fw190D-9, there is a Shinden, Shusui, Kikka, Bf109Z and Ju88A Mistel 1. These have been reported as "Future Releases" in a number of sources for a while now (e.g. the Modelimex catalogue), but have yet to appear on the A&V Model website.
As A&V has conversion kits in 1/72 for two Ju88 Mistel variants, I'd imagine the 1/144 scale version of the Mistel 1 and the Bf109Z will also be conversion kits.
Oh, forgot to mention that Modelimex has these AZ Fokker kits retailing for 15 euros. Hannants have yet to list them.
Sweet! I've been waiting for these for a while, especially the Polish bomber version.
Hey Smeg, I agree with you on the A&V models stuff. I'd say those have been listed as a future release for at least 2 years now, if not more. I'm beginning to wonder if they are just a wish list type of item.
they have been listed on hannants for months, they are under the Legato brand.
I have had a preorder in for a while!
I agree with you, Eric. I'm seriously wondering whether A&V are going to take the plunge or have decided to keep their focus on 1/72 and 1/48.
One item I do know is just around the corner is Altaya's Me264. No photo yet, but there is a caption on the French website. A Do217E is also imminent, although I'd expect a little less interest in this given the recent CafeReo item.
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