Hobby Master 1/144 Air Power Series
HA9002 - JU 52/3M ge D-ALYL XI. Olympiade, Berlin 1936
The second aircraft in the new 1/144 Airpower Series by Hobby Master is another Ju/52, this time the 1936 Olympics version. (First Version was the HA9001 JU-52 'D-ABIK' )
double click these images for Super-HD images:
further details of the Ju-52 Range:
The close-ups on both show that HM have the surfaces properly corrugated, unlike the Atlas or Altaya examples, the passengers' windows are also transparencies, not the painted squares used to simulate glass on the other two.
The price being quoted by a number of US outlets and e-Bay sellers is around the mid-$40-dollar-mark, which is considerably more enticing than the original $US80 proposal.
If they start producing a) military Ju-52's, and b) other aircraft, then Hobby Master could be onto a winning series!?
Available: soon Price : tbc
Thanks to Smeg1959 for the heads-up and the text ;-)
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