1/144 Carrier Diorama with motorized Zeros!
here is an interesting 1/144 diorama, where 1/144 Zeros have been adapted with miniture motors. I dont thin these are takara motors, but similer to Robertos AEW aircraft where he use pager/phone motors or similer mini devices!?
What wonderfull work!! Amazing...
Nice to meet you.
My name is Hetaro.
This diorama is my work.
Thank you for praising my work.
welcome and greetings.
your works is very good, it is skillful and nice idea!
Welcome , I started look your blog , wonderfull works, and pictures... that structure decks are made in cardboard paper or plastic ? Very complex strutures
and deck ? is painted or made with a printer?
You have sucess in put the engine in Zero-sen.. that engine came from a Cell phone? I have some here ..the motorola are longer but are smaller in diameter..
I am not good at English.I fear that you can not understand my English.
Frame: Board of foam styrene and plastic board.
Epidermal: Paper(The thickness is 0.23mm. )
The deck: It printed with the IJ printer.
The engine: It is underwater motor of Takara.
It is also long again. The edge reaches in the cockpit.
Regard Hetaro
Thank you, I can understand what you want say.
The idea of make the deck surface with printer is very good..never see before..and..matched perfectly with the plastic structures..
the final result was much better than that Wing Club Akagi deck (I saw a picture in the last Wing club instruction)
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