First, Fantasy Flighy/Nexus "Wings of War" Series 1.
now, there appears to be another series on the horizon!!
It will be interesting to see if they are the same production repainted and repacked or completely new?
Release date: unknown
Manufactuer: unknown - but it could be FTOYS as this picture occurs in the middle of pictures from FTOYS/PLATZ!! - if this is true they shoudl be very nice!!!
I am Andrea Angiolino, designer of Wings of War and so taking part in the miniature project for Nexus Editrice (and then Fantasy Flight Games).
The WoW Minis are an original product of Nexus Editrice. Moulds belong to Nexus. They can not be sold by other firms. So it must be another range.
All the best!
Andrea Hello and welcome.
Thank you for the info it is most interesting.
As well as gamers, the WoW series is looking popular, already I know some collectors are also buying htese aircraft for thier colelctions as well as teh wargamers!
Can't wait, this is all great news for those of us who want oto game with 1/144 but have struggled to make good models from the available metal kits.
esepcailly as at the moment REvell cant tell the difference between 1/72 and 1/144!!!!
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