Sunday, April 13, 2008

1/144 Aircraft Comparison - Picture Gallery (#1)

1/144 Aircraft Comparison - Picture Gallery (#1)



Here is part one of a comparison between:



ATLAS Edtions




There weill be updates when a few more inoming airfraft arrive, or are released.


I will try and pu some words together over the next few days to outline my views and perceptions on these aircraft!

1 comment:

smeg1959 said...


I've just starting looking at your linked files and the very first thing I noticed is that the Atlas Lanc has it's tail surfaces on back-to-front! Have they found some rare anomaly or experimental Lanc that none of us have ever heard of before? ;-)

Great photos, by the way! Wouldn't it be great if the manufacturers gave us photos on their websites with this sort of detail so we could make up our minds whether to purchase or not? Mmmm, the cynic in me realises that I've just answered my own question!