1/144 BigBird Vol.4 - Algernon/CafeReo
Images are of prototype items, final production may differ!
It is Wondefest:Summer this weekend, maybe we will see more details?
"Emily" H8K - No. 802 Naval Squadron
"Emily" H8K - Yokosuka Naval Squadron
"Emily" H8K - カラーシークレット
-He-177 Gotenhaven Hexengrund.1944
-He-177 first 100 bombing Air Group No. 2 company
-C-47 the90TCS/438TCG-AC
-47D “ SPOOKY ”
-C-47 カラーシークレット
And secret
Available: October 2009
Cost: 6, 552 Yen for 8 item box
"Emily" H8K - No. 802 Naval Squadron
"Emily" H8K - Yokosuka Naval Squadron
"Emily" H8K - カラーシークレット
-He-177 Gotenhaven Hexengrund.1944
-He-177 first 100 bombing Air Group No. 2 company
-C-47 the90TCS/438TCG-AC
-47D “ SPOOKY ”
-C-47 カラーシークレット
And secret
Available: October 2009
Cost: 6, 552 Yen for 8 item box
So will there be a special like the TSR2 or Skywarrior?
not clear as yet, but there is a series special
let just say if its green and floats i'll be v.miffed! ;o)
They look pretty nice. It's an expensive box though, particularly with the Yen as strong as it is these days.
It is interesting to see that "trading miniatures" no longer means small single- and twin-engined aircraft. With the Lanc, Flying Fort and now Emily, it makes you wonder just how big is too big for these "miniatures".
Mmmm, now here's a thought. With Altaya/IXO apparently going cold on the Me323 Gigant, how about that for Big Bird Vol 5? And an Me321 and He111Z. Back to the world of dreams ...
What is impressive is how compact the packaging for these items is in most cases. It is a stark contrast to the practice of some major kit manufacturers. Just look in your local model shop at the boxes used for some 1/72nd scale offerings. You could comfortably fit the 1/32nd scale item in the same box with ample room to spare!
Military aircraft series BIG BIRD 4
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Brand Name: ALRERNON
Product: BIG BIRD 4
Packing: 8pcs per inner, 64 PCS per carton
Price: USD$320 per carton
USD$48 per inner
USD$10 per pc
place your order as soon as possible before they are sold out
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