New kit from Greg at Oz-Mods!
A great looking P-39 with 3x decal options
22 AUD$, 18 USD$, 11GBP, 1800 Yen
(all values approximate on currency converisons)
Postage extra
Decals (Included)
601 Sqn, RAF (UK)
39th FS, 35th FG, USAAF (USA)
3rd AE, 19th GvIAP, 14th VA, VVS. (USSR)
Alps decal by Bruce (**not**included)
Alps decal by Bruce (**not**included)
. 23 Squadron RAAF, A53-9. (Austrailia)
thanks to Bruce for the supporting pictures!
At last we won't have to bid ridiculous amounts on the old Revell kit! Greg at OzMods always does a good job, so I'm looking at getting one of these as soon as possible.
The three profiles depict the kit decal options:
* 601 Sqn, RAF
* 39th FS, 35th FG, USAAF
* 3rd AE, 19th GvIAP, 14th VA, VVS
Bruce created his own ALPS decals for the No. 23 Squadron RAAF bird, A53-9. Another very nice "quick build" from our Queensland colleague!
The kit knocks together pretty simply, and the resin canopy is great for those who aren't fans of vacform. I'd like it if Greg included a vac too because there's a nice panel and seat. The air intakes on the wing leading edge can benefit from a bit of work though. I did scratch my own prop for that build as the particular RAAF subject had "paddle" blades (P-39F). I'll build the Russian one OOTB soon too.
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