1/144 Dinosaurs by D.Krentz
Who would have imagined it, 1/144 Scale dinosaurs......
Whilst looking on shapeways for new 1/144 items they guys jumped out at me!
Tyrannosaurus Rex $ 13.87 | (€ 10.33)
Triceratops $ 12.92 | (€ 9.63)
Coming Soon?
Edmontosaurus Ankylosaurus
Monday, January 31, 2011
1/144 Yakovlev Yak-38 "Forger"

Small Scale Shop have released thier 144th scale Yakovlev Yak-38 "Forger", printed using the Shapeways system it allows for rapid development of models. The aircraft still appear a little rough textured which Small Scale Shop acknowledge, but none the less - unless you managed to obtain your Anigran bonus kit this is the only show in town. Some assembly and painting is requried (no decals)
Available : January 2011
Price: $14 USD
The Yakovlev Yak-38 (Russian: Як-38, NATO reporting name: Forger) was Soviet Naval Aviation's first and only operational VTOL strike fighter aircraft.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakovlev_Yak-38
do not forget you can combine Shapeways orders from more than one Shapeways seller.
Previous 'Small Scale Shop' posts (Here)
build instructions (here)
img src : wiki
Saturday, January 29, 2011
1/144 F2H-3 Banshee by Miniwing

Miniwing have released a new early series Jet the F2H-3 Banshee, first flying in 1947 it was introduced into service in 1948 before finally being retired from US Reserves in 1961.
The aircraft served with the US Army, Navy, Marines and the Royal Canadian Navy.
This kit is nicely produced and has that Miniwing signature format and feel; with well defined panel lines and a pleasing visual form. The main kit consists of a half dozen main components and a number of additional fine detailing parts. Interestingly the vac-form canopies have gone and they have been replaced by a clear resin/plastic(?) canopy. This will please the average modeler and frustrate the experienced modeller, but it is always hard to please everyone?
Canopy: Clear plastic/resin
Decals by Y-Kraft of Japan
Optional Canadian Banshee Decals from CanMilAir
Available: January 2011
Price: 20.70 Euro
HD Images: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
1/144 Chengdu J-20 Stealth - Foxone (upd)

Foxone has created a WinterFestival 2011 Show special edition in the form of the recently revealed Chinese Stealth Fighter.
The Kits is not as complex as the usual Foxone kits, due to the speed of creation and the target of the Winterfest Availability. But, if you want to be the first on your block / club to have one... its a great start.
The J-20 photos only leaked out late in December 2011, so to have this available by the End of January is quite cool. It may even be the first J-20 kit to be released since December in any Scale!?
To see the rapid development of the J-20 by Foxone :
more J-20 Info
Available: WinterFest 2011 (Feburary)
Price: 2500 Yen
Also available (outside Japan) from Radsan (here)
Review at Internet Modeller (Here)
Friday, January 28, 2011
1/144 AH-64 Apache Longbow (cont.) vol.18 Doyusha

1/144 AH-64 Apache Longbow (cont.) vol.18 Doyusha
Doyusha are continue to pump out kits from thier existing molds and just repainting them.
Whilst this would appear to be a sucessful strategy (well, they keep doing it) it can be a little dull and tedious. The last time these were issues in Feburary 2008, there was a RAH-66 Comanche as the special, it is interesting to not that Vol.18 for April 2011 does not currently mention a special!?
This time around, it is the turn of the AH-64 Apache Long Bow to be dusted off and pushed out for another series. At least if you bought the previous sets there will be no shocks involved?
1. JGSDF No. 74 510
2. U.S. Army
3. Singapore Air Force
4. Hellenic (Greek) Army
5. The Israeli Air Force (IAF/IDF)
6. Kuwaiti Army
Price: a reasonable 630 Yen
Available:April 2011.
Previous posts regarind on this subject: 01 02 03
Thursday, January 27, 2011
1/144 88mm Flak 36 by Strategist 1-144

Strategist have announced their latest release the 1/144 88mm Flak 36 and I have to say the detailing is excellent, the accuracy and representation is unrivalled! When looking at the photos, remember this is 144, not 1/72 or 1/35.
If you have any misgivings as the the quality and price, look at your Takara WTM-01 88mm and compare the detail and the price. It is composed of PU Resin, ABS Plastic and Alloy Metal components, and comes pre-painted
Make no mistake, it will be the calculated decision of the collector who purchases this item
I doubt that there will be any will be found on a war game table any time soon!
See the manufacturers site for more detail:
Supplier: Zetatoro Ebay
Limited Edition
Available: Pre-order now (contact seller for US$66.70 price)
The price is US$75.80
Product characteristics:
1. Interchangeable Travel / Firing Configuration
2. Independently rotating wheels.
3. The gun transversely rotated through 360 degrees.
4. Gun barrel can be positioned raised with the variable elevation angle of nearly 90 degrees.
5. The gun barrel has interchangeable firing/safety mechanism.
6. The gun shield (splinter guard) is removable.
7. The observation hole on gun shield can be open/closed.
8. The seat at the right side of the gun body is adjustable for Travel or Firing.
9. The barrel support frameis adjustable for Travel or Firing.
10. The towing pole is jointed
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
1/144 C-21 Assault Ship, X-71 Shuttle - Fantastic Plastic

1/144 C-21 Assault Ship (from Avatar) , X-71 Shuttle (From Armageddon) from Fantastic Plastic.
More sci-fi kits from Fantastic Plastic, more great kits for the sc-fi enthusiast!
These kits ae being mastered by the legendry Scott Lowther and Arnold Wong, whose kits should be familer to regular Fantastic Plastic customers!
Prices to be confirmed
For more information, see:
X-71 Shuttle (From Armageddon)
Available: March 2011
Price: to be confirmed
C-21 Assault Ship (from Avatar)
Available: April 2011
Price: to be confirmed
Saturday, January 22, 2011
1/144 Michael Wittmann & Panzer Crews -By ACI*TOYS

To assist in your diorama projects ACI Toyc Company has releases a set of 1/144 metal(Pewter) figures for use with with your panzers. While designed to represent one of the most famous german panzer aces Micheal Wittmann they can be used in a number of different configurations.
Two sets are available #S144-1 'Panzer Crew' and #S144-2 'Micheal Wittmann.
There are various WTM/Can.do prepainted versions of the Whttmann tank from WTM-01,WTM-05 and Can.do Series?) that can be used directy. Alternatively you could construct your own?
Source: ACI*TOYS (and retailers)
Available: January 2011
Item No.:#S144-1
ACI 1/144 Michael Wittmann & Panzer Crews - (Set of 5: 1 commander, 4 crews)
Retail Price:US$19.8 per set
Item No.:#S144-2
ACI 1/144 Michael Wittmann (Set of 2: 2 commanders)
Retail Price :US$12.3 per setOther recent Figure Releases
Friday, January 21, 2011
RetroKITS 1/144 Announcements

Good News & Bad News
The Bad News is Domi at RetroKITS has pledged his intention to downplay the RetroTracks range of kits. This includes the much anticpated and currently unreleased 144 kits such as the ADGZ.
The Good News, is that Domi will be putting his efforts into the Retrowings and RetroSF ranges, with the RetroWINGS144 range getting singled out for special attention in future days!
For more information see the RetroKITS Homepage and RetroWINGS144 sections!
previous posts:
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Creations Chaubet 20% discount for 1/144 Scale.
A notice from Jacques Chabet of Creations Chaubet:
Dear customer From the beginning of this Today (18th Janurary 2011) until February 20th 2011. I am giving a 20 % discount on all of my 'White Metal' kits and completed Models (inc Paint) in the 1/144 Scale. Additionally, Orders over 100 Euros will qualify for Free Shipping! Pleasee see my website at http://jacques.chaubet.free.fr Many Thanks Jacques Chaubet
Jacques was featured in the recent posts featuring French Aircraft in 1/144 (here and here)
Dear customer From the beginning of this Today (18th Janurary 2011) until February 20th 2011. I am giving a 20 % discount on all of my 'White Metal' kits and completed Models (inc Paint) in the 1/144 Scale. Additionally, Orders over 100 Euros will qualify for Free Shipping! Pleasee see my website at http://jacques.chaubet.free.fr Many Thanks Jacques Chaubet
Jacques was featured in the recent posts featuring French Aircraft in 1/144 (here and here)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
1/144 88mm Flak Sd.KFz VOMAG - KG144

1/144 Kampfgruppe144
Black Label Series
88mm Flak (Motorised) Sd.Kfz “VOMAG” [early version]
NEW Colour Option: Dunkelgeb
This is a new colour option 1/144 88mm Flak (Motorised) Sd.Kfz “VOMAG” from the Kampfgruppe144 Black Label Series.
Manufactured for Kampfgruppe144 (UK) by CGD(HK) .
click here to purchase [ ebay ]
I am pleased to announce a new colour option for my 88mm Flak 'VOMAG'.
It is now available in DunkelGelb with aditional colour detailing for wheels and seating.
This colour option will help you establish the model in the 'mid war' period!
Do not forget that this is still also available in the original 'early war' PanzerGrey, see the original release notice for info. (Purchase: here)
The VOMAG is one of the most interesting vehicles in the inventory of Wehrmacht in WWII. It was not as some think a ‘paper panzer’, but a real operational vehicle that saw action across Europe.
The development of the VOMAG is an interesting one, based upon the Vogtländische Maschinenfabrik AG (VOMAG) design for the Büssing NAG 900L. The chassis had three axles, two of which were driven, and was powered by a 6-cylinder diesel engine that was capable of reaching 90 km / h. (55 mph).
Available: January 2011
88mm Flak "VOMAG" Grey $19.9 USD
88mm Flak "VOMAG" Dunkelgelb $21.9 USD
Vomag Listings: here
email contact CGDynamix
1/144 SWS (Schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper) Series

The CGD 1/144 SWS (Schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper) Series continues to grow, I have overlooked some of the recent additions that have become available so here is a short summary!
The standard sWS was produced from December of 1943 to March of 1945 and was designed as replacement for sdkfz6 and sdkfz11 and was available in a number of configurations to replace a variety of existing halftaracks.
The SWS was produced in a number of Official,Planned and evidently some 'Field Modifcation' varients.
Sws Nerblewerfer 42 - DunkelGelb/Yellow ($18.90 USD)
Sws 'Uhu' IR/Search - 3x Colour Camo ($19.90 USD)
Sws Flatbed/Truck (20mm flak) - 3x Colour Camo ($19.90 USD)
Sws Flatbed/Truck (early) - Panzer Grey ($16.90 USD)
Sws Flatbed/Truck (late) - DunkelGelb/Yellow ($17.90 USD)
60cm Searchlight Set (Flak-SW 36)- Grey $17.90 USD)
60cm Searchlight (Flak-SW 36) - Dunkelgelb ($18.90 USD)
Current SWS listing here, shop listing here
More pictures #1 #2 #3 #4
email contact CGDynamix
Saturday, January 15, 2011
1/144 Lagg-3 & Bf-109 by Zvezda

1/144 Lagg-3 & Bf-109 by Zvezda
It has been interesting to note the creation by Zvezda of Russia of a new series of budget price 1/144 kits. First came the Sturmovil IL-2, then the Junkers Ju-87. Now, we have the Lagg-3 and Bf-109.
Ok, so the Bf-109 isn't going to win any hearts, but the Lagg-3 is currently not available with the possible exception of the True North Metal items, and even then the Zvezda items still look better?(in some respects, also no worse than some of the earlier minicraft kits!)
I think the Lagg-3 and future Soviet VVS WWII aircraft could find their way onto some modelling benches, in a bid to fill holes in peoples Soviet Aircraft collection.
Although, Zvezda are selling these as kits with decals and stands, they are initialy intended for use with thier new 'war game' system. This war game is system called the 'Art of Tactic' and is currently released in Russian, but looks like it could be released in German and English too!
Available: January 2011 ( IL-2, Ju-87 )
Available: March 2011 ( Lagg - 3, bf-109 )
To be confirmed:
Ju-52. Li-2 (DC-3) - hopefully still 1/144 (?),
more Soviet VVS Fighters!? (La-5)
The following site gives more insight into the Zvezda "war game" called
"Art of Tactic"
some of the artwork here would suggest more Soviet VVS fighters to come....
further information from US distributors Dragon USA
Previous post on KG-144
Available March 2011
Price £2.95 GBP!
1/144 Soviet SU-76M Self-Propelled Gun

1/144 Soviet (Russian) SU-76M Self-Propelled Gun
By Panzer Depot
Now, I know that the guys on the 1/144 WWII Wargaming Yahoo Forum have been desperate for these! So, here goes... With around 14,000 of these self propelled guns produced they were a key weapon in teh soviet armoury and a must have for any collector of Sovier WWII items
SU-76M Self-Propelled Gun
Available: January 2011
Colour: Green, Winter, Yellow
Available direct from Panzer Depot at shop or ebay
Img Src: www.wio.ru
1/144 Sd.Kfz 13 'Alder & Sd.Kfz 231 (6rad)

1/144 Sd.Kfz 13'Alder' &
1/144 Sd.Kfz 231 (6rad) Schwerer Panzerspähwagen
by - Panzer Depot
More German Softskins from Panzer Depot this month, potentially the two extremes of the armoured car world!? One the tiny little Sd.Kfz 13'Alder' and the other Sd.Kfz 231 (6rad) Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (the only greater beast Sd.Kfz. 234/2 "Puma" with 75mm?)
An interesting and mix, that once again you ask yourself.... could dragon not have put out a series of these instead of repeating the Tiger 1?
Sd.Kfz 13'Alder'
Available: January 2011
Colours: Panzer Grey or DunkelGelb
Schwerer Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz 231 (6rad)
Available: Now
Colours: Panzer Grey or DunkelGelb
Available direct from Panzer Depot at shop or ebay
Img Src: Wiki/BundesArchiv
Thursday, January 13, 2011
1/144 Tornado Decal Set - Mark.1/4+ Publications

1/144 Tornado Decal Set - Mark.1/4+ Publications
Available:"coming soon"
Price: tbc
Each publication has 28 pages, including a total of 49 overall and detailed photographs, 12 pages with colour camouflage schemes and their description. Text in English. A comprehensive decal sheet is added for modellers’ convenience.
Following aircraft are depicted on each decal sheet: Royal Air Force (4x), Luftwaffe (3x), Marineflieger (1), Italian Air Force (3x) and Royal Saudi Air Force (1x).
The "Dozen Set" line of handbooks is aimed especially at scale modellers. Each title describes twelve particular aeroplanes, documented by period photos and also brings useful detailshots which can be utilised in finishing the models. A comprehensive decal sheet is added for modellers’ convenience
They are not cheap, however the reference book provides excellent walkaorunf images for the placement of each of the different decal schemes.
The Decals are professionally screen printed.
These guys also did the EuroFighter decal set (here)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
1/144 Wing Kit Collection Vol.6 - F-Toys

1/144 Wing Kit Collection Vol.6 - F-Toys
The new wing kit collection and strangely, not an IJA/IJN in sight!?
- A-1H Skyraider
- F4U-4 Corsair
- FB.11 Sea Fury
Expected: March 2011
Price:? (Usual)
source: rakuten/digitamin / Toysanta/ poloppo niitakayama
Sunday, January 09, 2011
1/144 Sud-Est SE.161 Languedoc - Anigrand

1/144 Sud-Est SE.161 Languedoc - Mothership of Leduc ramjet aircraft
It would appear Anigrand has started to cast his net wider in order to source interesting and unusual aircraft to provide to the modeller. Today, we arrive in France!
The Sud-Est SE.161 Languedoc is an interesting aircraft in it own right, however the version presented to you by Anigrand is the Test Bed Launcher for the Leduc series of Ramjet Experimental Aircraft form the 1950s! (A golden age when British and French experimental aircraft look like something from a Science Fiction book!)
It will be interesting to see if this will come 'fully glazed' or if decals will be used for the windows?
I know this debate if of great concern to Airliner modellers, but apart from briefly mentioning it I will move on....
It may surprise some new comers to 1/144 this aircraft is actually already produced by a company called F-RSIN (since 2008) , and is still available directly from their website (and, maybe Hannants?). The F-RSIN Languedoc come with a different experimental aircraft the LEDCU 01 and high quality decals. It is also cheaper than the Anigrand version (but typically of equal, or greater quality)
The Bonus aircraft are interesting, and the french had many. The choices are good, in part due to the under representation of French aircraft in the Anigrand ranges. You do have to ask the question, would it have been more or less interesting to have some of the other Leduc Ramjets such as the Leduc 01, or Leduc 022 Aircraft as bonuses, especially considering the main purpose of the subject presented is the test bed ?
The French experimental would make for a great set of 'Various in one' sets that Anigrand do from time to time. Those interested in French Experimental aircraft of the 1940s-50s should visit the Creation Chaubet website which has has a range of very interesting aircraft available(but are in solid white metal)
See Anigrands Site for Details
Available: Feburary 2011
Price: $78 USD
Bonus Aircraft (Left to Right)
1. SNECMA C450 'Coleoptere'
2. SNCAN Nord N1500 Griffon 2
3. tbc ?
Thursday, January 06, 2011
1/144 Lockheed XR6V-1 / R6O-1 - Anigrand

The Lockheed R6V Constitution was a large, propeller-driven, double-decker transport aircraft developed in the 1940s by Lockheed as a long-range, high capacity transport and airliner for the U.S. Navy and Pan American Airways. Only two prototypes were produced.
Its not a pretty aircraft that is for sure!
Bonus Aircraft: ?
Price: ?
Expected: Feburary 2011
1/144 Small Scale Models - Shapeways

Small Scale Model have increased thier range of 1/144 Kits and Accessories manufactured and distributed via the increasingly popular Shapeways system of 3D Printing.
Working from Brazil, you will notice a recurring theme in the refelcted in the selection of the model items that have been produced by the Small Scale Model shop. Many are products that are used by the Brazilian armed forces, or are manufactured in Brazil and sold to other Armed forces around the world. It is probably true to say that the part played by Brazil in world arms sales is pretty much overshadowed by the 'big 5' countries that supply military equipment
The aircraft currently come with solid canopies that can be used to generate "push-form" canopies, or just painted. Alternatively, Opaque semi transparent canopies can be purchased at the time of ordering.
SSM has produced, the following 1/144 Aircraft:
Aermacchi Macchi MB-326
EMBRAER EMB 314 Super Tucano (also named ALX or A-29)
(Some F-15 Parts are also available)
and 1/144 Armour:
EE-11 Urutu - Armoured Personell Carrier
Other 1/144:
Airport Luggage Tractor & Trailer
There also appear possible plans to to produce:
Yak-38 Forger
Eurocopter AS350
Small Scale Models,
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Foxone Kits / International Sales via Radjapan
Following on from my Earlier post regarding the sale of Foxone Kits via RADJAPAN.
FOXONE have announced that all International sales will be handled exclusively by RADJAPAN!
The good news is that prices are not increasing, and the other good news is RADJAPAN packets rarely attract customs/ import charges (well at least in the UK) as RADJAPAN uses plain brown packaging for shipments (are, your listening HLJ!!)
Do not forget that RADJAPAN also supply regular gashopon releases from F-Toys, Doyusha, Bandai, Giga, CafeReo, Algernon, Zacca etc, and special resin ranges of kits from Foxone,A&W, Matsuo Kasten, KdK (Kami de Koro Koro), Atelier Infinite and a range of decals from many suppliers - direct to the International buyer!
Following on from my Earlier post regarding the sale of Foxone Kits via RADJAPAN.
FOXONE have announced that all International sales will be handled exclusively by RADJAPAN!
The good news is that prices are not increasing, and the other good news is RADJAPAN packets rarely attract customs/ import charges (well at least in the UK) as RADJAPAN uses plain brown packaging for shipments (are, your listening HLJ!!)
Do not forget that RADJAPAN also supply regular gashopon releases from F-Toys, Doyusha, Bandai, Giga, CafeReo, Algernon, Zacca etc, and special resin ranges of kits from Foxone,A&W, Matsuo Kasten, KdK (Kami de Koro Koro), Atelier Infinite and a range of decals from many suppliers - direct to the International buyer!
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
1/144 "Brilliant Buzzard" - By Anigrand

1/144 "Brilliant Buzzard" - By Anigrand
USAF Black Projects aircraft..... so its 'hush hush' 'need to know basis' and I cant tell you , or I'd have to kill you !??
Price : $68
Available: Jan 2011
Bonus Items: Expected, but not declared.

other references(?):
Sunday, January 02, 2011
1/144 U-Boat Type XXI with Interior - Revell

1/144 U-Boat Type XXI with Interior - By Revell **Re-Issue**
Model details
Scale 1:144
Release date 01/2011
No. of parts 163
Length 531 mm
At the beginning of 1945 with the type XXI Germany had the most advanced submarine in the world at that time.
Now Revell are re-issuing you this ground breaking craft in 1/144 with interior detailing and sections, includes detachable side panelling
Finally you can put your Targa U-Boat back in teh box!?
More info from Revell here
Review on Modelling Madness here
Other Revell 2011 news here
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