Anigrand launch new Sci-Fi range!!!
1/144 scale Corellian YT-1300 Falcon Modified assault transport
1/144 scale Corellian YT-1300 Falcon Modified assault transport
bonus kit 1/144 Imperial Recon Probe kit
Price: US$98
Available: Pre-Order
1/144 Imperial Lambda-class Shuttle Galactic VIP transport
Wings Up or Wings Down?
Bonus: ?
Price: ?
Available: ?
Note: That the Anigrand Sci-Fi range will be available through Fantastic Plastic for North American Distribution (soon!)
Now I´m going to Bankruptcy...
Thanks Anigrand..(I have the Argonauts Millenium Falcon ..but never could sucess in put parts together)..
Both Tydirium and Millenium Falcon are in my dreams..
Just one thing, keep all in the scale 1/144 ..
these will have extras kits too?
Since F-toys are doing the small fighters nicely and cheap..
we could have things like:
Padme´s starship
Naboo Queen´s royal starship
Republic Gunship
and Sith infiltrator?
oh..I have another desire..I have the Battlestar galactica diecasts..but I would love have all Vipers mkI,MkII,MkVII and both Cylons raiders(classic and new),Raptor,and Cylon assault Gunship all in kits and in same 1/144 scale
As well Buck rogers starfighter...Captain Scarlat Angel fighter,etç....
Hell yeah! Great news, have not bought any angtirand kits but the detailing on the falcon looks the business. Empire Stikes Back version which ic the best one with the 6 landing gears,already got an indea for the probe driod using a litle diorama.
Got lots of the f-toys star wars vehicles and there fantastic but boxes are too small for what i really wanted, the imperial shuttle.
Going to be buying all of these, great that both f-toys and angirand are consentrating on the original trilogy.
Bring on the sandcrawler!
In the original trilogy possible in 1/144 we have only the Blockade runner(the ship of Lea on fist minutes of star wars), a Slave I or some of Medical and evac ships of Empire strikes back.. a Star destroyer I think is impossible..
I believe F-toys still make a Star wars Vehicle 3 boxset ..because we still can expect a A-wing,B-wing,Tie interceptor, Jedi starfighter,Arc-170
The sand crawler is Available in 1/144 from fantastic plastic
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