1/144 - 21st Century/New Millenium - NEW Repaints.*UPDATED*
Two new "Dog Fight" Series repaints, now available!
Pictures provided by rmoore456 - Class A Trooper
(Photos used with permission of Author, please do not abuse)
Set 1 : FW-190 A8 & North American P-51 D (USAAF)
Set 2: (IJA) Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate & Grumman F6F 3/5 Hellcat (RAF)
there is rumour of an addtional set of Fw-190A repaint along with Old Crow P-51.
The Wildcat actually shows Australian roundels (RAAF) NOT RAF ones.
Thanks for pointing that out!
Is it the horizontal white bands to the left and right of the blue circle that indicate the RAAF?
To be honest some how I had gone amny years without realising that in the far east teh British and Commonwealth forces started to use the blue and whihre roundels as not to be confused with the japanese markings.
I think this reinforces teh feelings of the guys who foguht in the far east of the "forgotten army" or "forgotten war" as were to preoccupied with teh war in Europe?
Any info therefore on the marking schemes for Britis and Commonwealth forces in the East Woudl be much appreciated!
The Unit History Sheet - Detail of Operations, Sheet No. 55 for 13 Squadron RAAF has an entry for 27 March 1942 which read as follows:-
"Orders issued by the U.S. Air Staff to the effect that the red circle in the American insignia on all United States aircraft was to be immediately painted white to avoid mistakes in recognition, particularly by ground troops."
the horizontal lines also used by USAF, see:
Actually the 'Hellcat' is in 1944/45 British Fleet Air Arm markings. The Australians did not use Hellcats (or Wildcats for that matter) and RAAF roundels did not have the USAAF type stripe.
I have been informed that it may actually be a New Zealand Wildcat, NOT Australian.
No really the aircraft is a Royal Navy Hellcat. The New Zealanders did not use Wildcats or Hellcats. Look at this site for national insignia - http://cocardes.monde.online.fr/v2html/en/pays/royaume_uni.html
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