1/144 Lockheed C-141 A/B - Anigrand Resin
Two kits becoming available for winter!
Lockheed C-141 A http://www.anigrand.com/AA4041A_C-141A.htm
+3x Bonus Lockheed aircraft (undisclosed at this time)
Cost: 88USD + 14USD shipping.
Available: November 2009
Lockheed C-141 B http://www.anigrand.com/AA4041B_C-141B.htm
+3x Bonus Lockheed aircraft (undisclosed at this time)
Cost: 88USD + 14USD shipping.
Available: December 2009
Available: December 2009
of course, the question is:
Will the bonus aircraft be transport themed, or some other cooler Lockheed specials!!?
Speaking of Anigrand, anyone know what the following is all about?
Scroll to the bottm and you'll see a dual kit Ki-147, which they apparently had out in August. The catalog number reads WF-S-02, so it's probably a wonderfest item only. I was not aware they released festival only kits, but I guess that's the new thing. Wonder what S-01 might have been.
Oh, and the Starlifter is a great pick. It's about time too! Perhaps Revell can jump on the bandwagon and release their take on this a month after this is out. Not that it's a bad thing either!
If Revell was to jump on the bandwagon, then I wish they would consider some of the "bonus" models that Anigrand have done.
Sukhoi Pak FA
Yak 141 Freestyle
Westland Merlin (RAF and RN versions)
would all be welcome in styrene.
And I wouldn't say no to an injection kit of the Saunders Roe SR-A1 (the diorama possibilities alone.....)
Your interpretation is correct.
It has been the case that for some years (see blog archives) that Anigrand in Japan only do sell *some* of thier bonus kits as stand alone packs for/at Wonderfest/P144.
I think this is through their local agent.
This started way back with some of the Luft'46 designs and has continued, the supper v-1/crusie missle kit is actually one of the Japanes kit bonus items from oneof the big Japanese kits y Anigrand.
and, no.... despite many people asking there are currently no plans to sell the binus kits seperately from teh main Anigrand website.
I know a couple of people who fund their 1/144 large scale a/c collection by then selling on the bonus models.
Whereas one of the main reasons I bought the Valiant kit was to get the Bristol 188....
I don't recall seeing the Ki-147 as a bonus kit to any of the Anigrand releases. I know that they sell some of the bonus kits as stand-alones, as you noted as well. I, too, wish they'd just start selling these on their own. Frankly, 75% of my Anigrand purchases are only for the bonus kits, which is probably a fact they're fully aware of. The main subject matter is either too big for my tiny model room or I have very little interest in fictional bombers or cargo planes, other than luft-46 that is. I'm a sucker for anything German!
Having said that, I sure would like to know what the deal with the Ki-147 is and whether or not there was a WF-S-01, and what it was!
the first kits i am aware of as being sold seperatly are the bonus kits from this Anigrand edition
messerschmitt p.08.01
there may have been more before they were spotted
you need to keep an eye on the damiya site to see what anigrand kits they will be selling!
apologies regarding the Ki-147, i think you are right. I have checked Anigrand site and can not see it linked with any kit!
it could be a future bonus (unlikely), a superceded item (maybe), a special commission(possible) - for instance i know Anigrand casts 1/72 scale kits for Freight Dog models in the UK!
The WS-F-1 was the 1/144 Kawasaki Ki-148 missile in last Wonder Festival.
This site: http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yuunagi_dameya/archive/2008/8/10
It was free gift to every modeler who bought Anigrand's kit in the event of Wonder Festival.
Yeah, buying a set and selling off the extras you don't want is a solid plan. I got enough from last time to fund my next purchase from them. Anyone want to pay ludicrously high prices for a Tigercat or Skypirate just sing out :-)
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