1-144 Direct has commissioned two sets of decals from Y-Kraft (Japan) to assist in prodcution of kits.
.Due to the Legal contrainsts issues with portraying insignia associated with WWII in certain main land European countries kit makers have started doctoring or omitting them from their kits and models. To facilitate the completion of these models in response to customer demans 1-144 Direct has created a range of decals to support this.
.Set YK-01 is of hakkenkreuz that are design to provide markings for Bf-109, FW-190 through to Ju-87 (larger tailplane than you think) , He-111, Fw-200 and Ju-290. As indicated they area available in a number of sizes and colour/form options.
.Set YK-02 is DAK Deutsches Afrikakorps marking, of the familiar Palmtree insignia.
One set provides a range of colurs and sizes for Trucks, Tanks etc.
Also not to be missed are the Staffel marking set!
.Decals for other nationalities such as the USA & UK are also available
I understand the sensitivity, to a degree. Looks like a very usable swastika sheet for 1/144, though. Down to 2.5mm should fix all mine.
The sensitivity tends to arise in those countries in Europe that were occupied.
The UK and USA have no problems per se, obviously if people dress up as storm troopers and march down the high street in the UK at least you may have some issues around incitement.
Unlike in France & Germany for instance there is no restriction in selling such materials and certainly no problems with "scale models" in the UK.
Obviously ebay have very strict guidelines on the matter and may auctions get pulled at even the slightest hint, this is largely due to legal constraints on the selling, trading, display or use of prohibited symbols.
That said, individuals all have views and those should be respected.
Ironically, the only negative feedback I have had is when someone posted my satirical wallpaper of the Sweet Zero box art, and a some people (i assume US baseD) on TMP got all up tight about the images trivialising Pearl Harbour?
Lets not lose sight of the fact were here for the modelling, not the politics...
just finding any LW decals is a challenge, I was looking for red letters in 1/144 for my 3 F-toy Hs 129s, they only come with "J"s, the best I could find is battlefront to see if I can buy a set from their resin Hs 129 kit that has three diffrent red letters for their flight of Hs 129B2/B3 planes.
Kinda of fitting that way I guess as I plan to use them for Flames of War.
Are True North Miniatures still in business?
They used to do lettering numbers and markings
failing that try
I-94 Enterprises.
The True North Minitures have been transfered to OLD GLORY
The issue regarding the hakenkreuz/swastika is an interesting one. Brief history lesson. The symbol is ancient, appearing on artefacts dating back to the Neolithic Era. In Sanskrit, the word "swastika" means "lucky or auspicious object". Perhaps Hitler was looking for a bit of luck by choosing it as the symbol for the Nazi Party in 1920.
Whatever the case, as a long time modeller, I remember the days when no-one questioned Airfix, Frog, Revell, etc on box artwork or decals depicting the swastika. Now we find it missing from almost all gashapon/trading miniatures (see below) and some kits. Even when it does appear on a decal sheet, it is split in two to minimise offence. Mind you, it can be a pain trying to align the two halves up!
An interesting anomaly in the case of gashapon. Bandai's Wing Club L series featured a "secret item", a Bf109G-6 of the Finnish 30th Fighter Group operating from Malmi Airfield in Helsinki during 1944. Lo and behold, the model is adorned with the blue swastika on a white roundel - the then national insigna of the Finnish AF. As these appear on the wings, they are roughly 3 times bigger than your average Nazi swastika. Go figure ...
Just recieved the tail insignia sheet. Sharp and crisp renderings. Carrier film is full sheet, so there will be trimming involved.....means there will be a sharp edge that may be prone to soaking up any weathering/wash. An overcoat prior to weathering should help subdue the effect. Otherwise thrilled to have the sheet.
To add to the history a bit. During WWI the swastika started appearing on aircraft of both sides and several aces (including at least one german pilot who was of Jewish origin)used versions of it as a personal marking. Post war it was adopted by a number of anti Bolshivik groups in Germany and in Eastern Europe who were involved in the Russian civil war and it was adopted as an aircraft marking by several "White Russian" groups and the Finns. The Nazi`s probably just co-opted it as several like-minded groups were already using it.
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