The F-Toys "Star Wars Vehicle Collection 3"
1. X-Wing (Red 2, Wedge Antilles) WWW Platz Com 1
2. A-Wing Fighter WWW Platz Com 2
3. B-Wing Fighter WWW Platz Com 3
4. Trade Federation AAT (Armored Assault Tank) WWW Platz Com 4
5. DELTA-7 Jedi Fighter WWW Platz Com 5
Price: ¥ 473 each.
Available: February 22, 2010
I assume there will be usual colour options and specials?
Special = TIE Interceptor
update (pictures of F-TOYS 3)
A good sortment of Fighters!!!
Another boxset to buy!!
and we still have the Special...
what could be?..
tie bomber? tie Interceptor..?
the Arc-170?
i think we find out soon, it will not belong before the mystery silhouette appears on www!?
Great news, a fighter asortment with the awesome b-wing but another x-wing, should have been the screct item imo.
Found the silhouette of the screct fighter, if it a tie-interceptor thats a bad choice for a secret item considering how popular it would be.
"if it a tie-interceptor thats a bad choice for a secret item considering how popular it would be."
Probably why they picked it. Gets more sales from those trying to get the secret item by blind purchases.
Woohoo! Been waiting for this set. I wish the Interceptor wasn't the secret one only because that will drive up the after market price but oh well. I'm too excited to complain much about it.
Only model in this set i'm not that excited about is the Jedi starfighter, but even that's kind of sweet
for the prices on this series it has been typical that if you shop around that the prices for the specials are not actually more significant than the stnadard prices!
look out for Radsan777 auctions on ebay!!
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