USA VTOL X-Planes 'All-in-1' Special set
- Bell X-14A,
- Hiller X-18,
- Curtiss-Wright X-19
- Bell X-22a.
The X-planes VTOL special set package contents bonus kits of the 1/144 LTV XC-142
Available : January 2010
Cost: $78 USD + ($12USD Shipping)
USA Penetration Fighters 'All-in-1' Special set
- McDonnell XF-88 Voodoo, > i <
- Lockheed XF-90, > i <
- North American YF-93 > i <
- an X-6 conversion kit for the Convair B-36 (B-36 not included!)
Available : Feburary 2010
Cost: $58 USD + ($6.50USD Shipping)
Luftwaffe Junkers EF-132 - WWII Late Planning bomber
- Luftwaffe Design, Soviet built! (see previous post)
-Bonus Items to be Confirmed!?
Available : Feburary 2010
Cost: $ ??? USD + ($ ??? USD Shipping)
The real question is, when is Sweet going to release the next Zero?
More great stuff coming out of Anigrand, as usual. Can't wait for the EF-132!!! Wonder what the bonus kits will be?
...one in November and another in December not enough for MR Badger?
Om can you not wait until January to see what beauties Sweet give us next?
I vote for weekly Zero relases from Sweet. This way, they can get it completely out of their system and have no alternative but moving on to some new subject matter. Perhaps after a 6 month run of weekly Zero releases, they'd kill it off once and for all.
I mean, seriously. How many green zeros can someone build anyway? Even the most avid Zero collector must admit that the only difference between some of these new releases is just serial number decals on the tails. Perhaps they can just put out a few hundred decal sheets for every single Zero ever manufactured and get it over with.
It's not all bad though. Sweet's lack of non-Zero releases is just making room for more Anigrand kits, in both shelf space and finances.
By the way, I always thought that the EF-132 might have been the inspiration for the B-52. It'd be interesting to find out if that was actually the case or not. Superficially, it bears a lot of resemblance to the YB-52, specially in the canopy and overall shape. Can't wait to get my hands on this one, eventually!
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