When it comes to collecting aircraft, I usually just collect WWII German Planes, however.
I have made an exception here and the (American X-Planes) and unusual Japanese Fighters etc!
With this in mind I present a series of Aircraft that are Rare in the west!
1/144 Japanese Late Planning Fighters made by CANVAS (?)
I have only everseen these on sale on very rare occasions and now they go for stupid money...
They appear to be proper gashopon and come in little bags in pieces, however they are better quality than Furuta items but not quite upto the recent Bandai Wing Club Standards. I suspect the Canvas aircraft are a few years old?
ANy informtion about CANVAS or the manufactuere of this series would be appreciated!
Finally the KIKKA may look like a Me-262 copy - but they are not... well not exactly they where inspired by Me-262 and where the subject of a technology deal between Japan and Germany but it was never completed. The Japanese carried on and developed a Jet fighter that looked like the Me262 but was not a direct copy! - This is further evident in that the Japanese KIKKA's are actually smaller in dimensions that the German figher. The sushsi is proabbaly similer but I need to carry out my reasearch.
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