Just posted a picture of this item that I have just finished that afriend sent me a little time ago.
First time I've done a proper resin aircraft kit and I dont think ithas turned out too badly.I know there are a few thinkgs wrong about it, like techincally thecolours are not proper Russina Green and Browns as my paintcollection is actually geared up for armour and Luftwaffe... but fora "paint brush" job, I think it captures that Russian "rustic" look?
Generally not a bad kit, had to do a bit of work to remove theexcess flash and moulding artefacts and had to recarve the exhauststo give a little more definition. Had a little problem with theundercarrage doors (but thats the price you pay with the wheels downappraoch) and the "clear" resing canopy was interesting...I had not attempted painting up a canopy to this degree complexitybefore, however it think it about works.
I dont have any fancy tools or techniques to do this with so a bit of primer and a tiny brush - then back over it with paint later... If anyone has any advice inthis area I would appreciate it.The hardest part was finding a couple of consistant images of theweb to provide a reference point for the canopy, some where clear,some had canvas blinds, other appeared to have solid sections etc...
I also had to cut the guns and pylons to length, so if they look alittle longer than expected thats why!
The other point I wasnt aware of was the layout of national logo's.They seem to have a set on the fuselage AND tailplane, but none onthe upper wing. They appear to have them on the lower wing but couldfind enough photos to establish if they used one or two - so I wentfor two. I added the number to the tail plane as thats where I hadseen most numbers, although again I had seen them on the fuselage..
-at least with the RAF & Luftwaffe you know exactly where all this stuff is meant to go!!
Any hints or tips are welcome, as I have a few other items lined up!
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