The following "Home Town Collection" items could also be worth a look, occasionally sold individually bit now mormally sold in packs with the other units - an interesteing collection!
The ones shown are the "Taxi Garage" an "Bus Garage" and there are two colour variations of each, plus you could always paint asa required!?
These area also in 1/150 and are available from the usual places!
I found that if you buy a complete set and keep the items you wish to save, you can normally sell the rest on ebay no problem - but thats at your own risk obviosuly!
Hi BD99
Where did you buy these Tomy little buildings? I bought a couple boxes last time when I travelled there but it seems not too many on-line vendors carrying these stuffs. I also like their little buses or trucks. Although they are 1/150 but I think a 5% difference won't be noticeable.
Plazajapan & shiga-n-scale are the two main sellers on ebay that I am aware of.
WWW.1999.co.jp (they have jap/eng sites) and www.HLJ.com (eng) have also sold these in the past.
You might like to check thier sites to see what they are currently stocking?
shiga-n-scale is an ebay person, not an ebay store, he has nothing listed at the momement which is unusual, I think like a couple of other japan based sellers he could be on holiday at the moment?
--sadly out of stock!
www.1999.co.jp - sadly sold out too, but also beware they only ship EMS! They do have some of the bandai showa range in stock but these are not kits but "solid" prebuilt items and are very heavy!
Yes, I too like the old stlye, trucks, buses and cars and have some of these too. There is aset of fire cars which i have but I missed out on the set of police cars which came out previosuly :(
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