"Marder Series" (Part.1)
Here we go, if last weeks bonanza of good things wasnt enough, then Panzer Depot has been hard at work and has pushed should more 1/144 AFV out the workshop!
This time Marder I based upon the captured French Lorraine Chasiss!
Those Marder I and II are already available (unmounted and unpainted) resin kits by Kami de Korokoro (see LJ site). I have already finished the Marder II and doesn'look too bad; Panzer Depot! need new tanks: Sherman Jumbo, Matilda I and II, T-28, KV-85, Semovente, 57mm Type 97 Chi-HA, a decent Priest...
For a relatively small company, Panzer Depot are certainly churning out some neat 1/144 AFVs. Whilst Anon is right about the Marders, you've got to hand it to Panzer Depot for selling pre-finished items at much the same price as KdK's resin kits.
The Matildas get my vote, Anon. I'd also like to see the AC1 Sentinel - the first tank with a hull cast as a single piece. Hey, we Aussie modellers need something to take our minds off the Ashes!
Whilst on that distasteful subject, thanks Martin for sending the link to "Jerusalem". Sorry, dear Brits, but I can never hear that hymn-cum-sporting-anthem without thinking about a certain Monty Python sketch involving mattresses and dog kennels! ;-)
Right, back to 1/144 ... just noted at HobbyLink Japan's site that KdK has a Fairey Firefly on the way. Price is 2500 yen. With a Barracuda and Roc already in KdK's range, this should be one worth watching out for.
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