A aircraft thats doesnt get much representation, but here we have in 1/144 a Nice "Defiant".
An often ovelooked player in the airwar. A welcome return for a nuew suject by FE-Resin.
It admittedly failed as a day fighter, but came through and was a reasonable nightfighter!
Available: now
Price : expected (watch out for currency conversions)
Where is this model available ??
I have not seen it in any of the usual sources yet ?
In the UK, try
in the US, I would try Nostalgic Plastic (see the side links on the blog)
other retailers *should* have it by now?
bewarned the price of this item is set in Euros, so if your currency is weak against the Euro be prepared for a shock
It's available at Roll Models...it's really great and really expensive. Forty five bucks! Read it and weep.
Sorry that's in the USA with the Roll Models.
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