1/144 J-20 PLA Stealth Fighter - Dragon Models 'Warbird Series'
Well, not one but now two J-20 kits in 1/144!
Following the resin kit from Foxone, designed to meet a deadline for the Winterfest Hobby Show.
The big boys in the form of Dragon Models have now waded in and announced the their own plastic injection. It will be interesting to see how the two kits compare, and if Dragon have been given any inside information?
Completely new molds!!!
- Realistic J-20 produced
- Lower fuselage section w/crisp detail
- Detailed engine exhaust nozzle molded w/IR signature reduction pattern
- Cockpit made of transparent plastic
- Detailed landing gear can be assembled in either flying or taxiing modes
Image Gallery at Dragon USA - here
more J-20 Info
ARC Build Review
Availability: May 2011
Price: ?
Source: Fumi Blog & Dragon USA
Well, don't that just beat all! I just picked out two of those Foxone kits, I'm sure that there will be no comparison.
Well, good to see Dragon is not dead.. after years of reboxings(F-18,Uh-60s,Tornados)...something new...
Bad since why the kit makers are so quicky in release kits of prototypes(planes with only 1 or 2 flying birds) and so slow to release planes with an entire life of service(Su-24,Su-27,J-10 for exemple), the rush in make this proto later turns a waste of work since the operational planes are so diferent thing (as we can see Revell AG X-35,EFA 90,Saab 39,YF-22).
in 20 years, they will hundreds based all over the People Republic of California (lol)
I agree with all the comment made. John, the same thing happened to me with the PAK FA T-50 now that Pitroad has release it's offering. As for rkmasu's comment, would it kill a guy to make a 1/144th Su-24. I've had a vacant parking spot on my display shelf for the last 20 years waiting for someone to make it.
... and what do we do with two kits in one box? How many prototypes of this machine are there at the moment? Or maybe Dragon knows what the next prototypes are like...
Well maybe we can do some "what if" with the spare one.
I also would like an Su-24 at 144 scale.
this *is not* a dragon "1+1" kit, so you only get one kit per box.
the J-20 is quite a large aircraft for a fighter.
BD99, you're right. I hadn't noticed it wasn't a 1+1 kit!
I've got the Foxone kit and I know it is big.
By the way (I know it's unrelated), Miniwing is releasing another Banshee, this time a F2H-2 with optional parts for an F2H-2N.
Thanks for the heads up, but I already have one on my desk to photograph for you all to see!
Should be on the blog in a few days.
Tonight is a lazy night, just sufing and stuff. Maybe wednesday!
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