1/144 Wyverns - Damiya vs Miniwing============================.
This year has been a good year for the revival in British and Commonwealth Aircraft, starting with Anigrands various releases and more recently Miniwing and now Damiya.
I have obtained two versions of the recent Westland Wyvern release and thought it interesting to give a quick comparison, this isn't coming to be am empirical or ARC style as some would undoubtedly want (usually as i do to many thinks ad-hoc and forget to take all the photos correctly!). It is however a bit of fun to see how two similar models compare and the positives and negatives of each. It is also always interesting to see how two different modellers approach the same subject and which areas they choose to focus on!
It might be slightly academic, as unless you can get to a Tokyo show you are less likely to score a Damiya Kit than a Miniwing kit!
Westland Wyvern TF.1 - Damiya 144-wyvern-by-damiyaWestland Wyvern S.4 - Miniwing 144-wyvern-by-miniwingFirst off, I am not an expert on the Wyvern - and most of the drawings of this aircraft on the web are not consistent enough for me to find one set of plan drawings that give a solid basis for comparing the shape and profile of these two aircraft. I will however say, when taken each and on its own they both look fine, once you compare them side by side they have obvious differences... I also don't know if there where differences between the TF.1 and S.4 to merit such deviations?
In summary:
Damiya Wyvern TF.1I like the mulitpart wings of this enables you to build a great "wings up" (folded wings) with it double hinges. This would make an interesting display and as indicated in the previous article the wing ends are detailed and the photo etched parts allow for hinges. I think this would make a "wings out" (straight wings) a little more tricky to build as great care in the alignment would be needed? The profile of the aircraft looks slight out, maybe a little short and squat?
The Photo etched parts is a nice touch and allows for winglets and flanges to be finely modelled.
It also adds some finishing touches again with the wings regarding the airbrakes? at the rear as they are dropped down as per the real thing. It also has a 'clear' resing canopy although it may need some 'future' polish applied?
The tailplane is also interesting as it is moulded on the fuselage it looks like the Rudder could be cut out easily for repositioning. The multi part exhausts look good.
The down sides of this kit are the trailing edged are a little too thin and are almost not there, the panel lines on the fuselage are a little coarse in places and on the nose a little arbitrary? The landing gear also looks a little thin and fragile.
The underneath of the aircraft centre section is very detailed and well cast.
The decals are the usual ALPS style.
Miniwing Wyvern S.4This has a single piece wing which will be easy to fit, it is also very nicely detialed. I imgaine with some care and a razor saw you would also be able to present this in a "Wings Up" (Folded wing) display, although by it nature it lends itself to a "Wings Out" (Straight wing).
The airframe profile on this kit looks more "right" being slightly longer and slender over all.
On this kit a number of the winglets and flanges are either supplied as resing pieces or moulded onto the wings. This will make for an easier construction, but perhaps less detailing overall.
The canopy is a traditional miniwings vac-form and as ususal you get a spare.
The tail plane and rear wings are cast seperately and should be no problem, they are also finely decorated. The panel lines on this kit are certianly its strong point the wings panel lines look good and the fuselage and nose detailing is excelent, and very crisp they look "right".
The undercarriage is perhaps slighly less accrute than the Damiya but it is more robust and that is probably more important at this stage. The exhausts would also benefit from some drilling.
The centre section is perhaps less detailed, however once you have attached the rocket munitions or (a torpedo) you will not be able to tell much difference. It is interesting to not that both kits vary most in this area!? As indicated at this time I dont have the information to decide one way or the other?
ALPS decals by Y-Kraft(Japan)
ConclusionI think they are both nice kits, and no one kit comes out on top due to the differences in their implementation. It will be a matter of personal choice as to the amount of detail vs realism vs accuracy vs build difficulty!