Well here we are again, ever had one of those days that you have lived before, or a uncanny sense of Déjà vu? If your thinking oh my, its still November(Type 52a) or December (Type52Ko) you are througuhly mistaken, no sir.
We can proudly bring to your attention the announcment by Sweet of the next in the line of Zeros to be released.
On a more serious note...
Those delighted with this announckent can indeed expect to find an excellently moulded kit and top quality decals wrapped in a witty and amusing box art. - The rest of us will just go and cry into our beer.......
Price : 1,200 Yen
Availabe : Feburary 2010
sources: Badger, HWjapan and 1999.
Oh dear. Sorry chaps, but I'm awfully fond of the Zero and am very pleased to see it so well represented. Apologies to the rest of you! :)
LOL, love the humor... err... humour ;-)
Glad you like the Zero!
how many different versions do you think it will be possible for Sweet to make?
also, strange they havent done a widley available Rufe (other than a limited issue @Wonderfest)
Most of the major ones are covered now. Aside from the N, the only other type that would be likely is the 2-seater. Either the trainer or the field mod. As welcome as that would be, the amount of retooling would be huge though. Maybe they'd just go for a re-cowled A6M7 or 8 instead...
Dare I say it, there's probably a few frequent visitors to this website who are probably thinking that you should be "Tarred and Feathered" for expressing a desire for more Zeroes! Particularly those who have been sacrificing poultry in the vane hope that Sweet will, one day, make a Spifire.
I recall Bruce in an earlier blog comment listing which Zero variants had yet to be tooled by Sweet. Looks like the company are deadly serious about filling those gaps.
Well, they haven't done the A6M2 Type 11, A6M5-K trainer or a mainstream A6M2-N floatplane. There is also still one A6M5 fighter variant to come...the 5d-S nightfighter.
There is also the A6M7 and if they go for paper planes and prototypes the A6M1, A6M4 and A6M8.
Expect at least 2 diffeent boxings of each. One release every 3 months and we should expect to see Zeros for the next 4 years.
These are beautifully mastered kits with an incredible amount of detail in such little gems of kits, with outstanding decals and build potential.
Unfortunately, this is a subject matter which I dare say is only welcomed by a handful, worldwide. I would love to know how many orders of Zero kits Sweet takes on a monthly basis. This really can't be that high for them to continue to pump out more every other month. It's reached comical proportions, at least in my humble eyes.
I haven't ordered any Sweet kits in over a year, and they could have easily taken my hard earned money if they had just released ANYTHING other than a zero or the anime cats. This is fine because I can spring enough cash to buy more Matsuo and other resin kits I would normally not have had the funds for. Their loss = others' gains. Either way, I end up losing money!
I assume in their domestic market these must sell like hot cakes!? otherwise they wouldnt keep making them? (even if we are not so keen)
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