1/144 Millennium Falcon (Official Licence) - FineMolds
You know what this is and the history!?
Do I need to say any more?
Availability : Unknown (maybe April)
Price: Unknown
http://tweetphoto.com/user/lincolnwright and
GA Graphic Wonder Blog WF2010 Report
8-Bee Blog WF2010 Reports (more photos, than shown here)!
Now you know as much as I do!
Other Starwards models - Directory
Also, Anigrand make "Corellian YT-1300" Falcon
I was excited when I saw the announcement because I assumed that Fine Molds would have corrected many (unexplicable) shape errors of their 1/72 model, especially the infamous mandible issue.
By looking at the pictures, I am extremely dissapointed as it seems that it is a scaled down version of their 1/72 kit and thereby inheriting all the shape errors.
It is a shame as Fine Molds missed a big opportunity to rectify some obvious errors in their previous 1/72 release and to provide us with a more accurate model.
WEll, i've just got mine and take a good look at it. It's a big set back from FM because it does not look the same as the 1/72, lots of details are missing and some are relocated.But the good news is: I now can spend lots of time to ad and change the litte falla in close to de Master Replica Falcon ;-)
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