Goffy Models of the Czech Replublic http://www.goffymodel.com/
Are producing a number of detailing/conversion kits for the 1/144 Revel F-14 Kits
These are mainly resin kits, with the exception of Set-1 which provides some photo etcehd detailing and decals.
Set 1 - Cockpit Detialing.
Set 2 -Swing Wings (Variable Geomerty) replacement.
Set 3 - "Bomb Cat" conversion.
Available Now: Prices vary £6.60 - £12.60 / 6.75 - 13.60 Euros for each depending on Set#
Modelimex.com #1 #2 #3
Hannants #1 #2 #3 F-14
or, if you prefer DML 1/144 F-14 Conversions - although, I do not know if he ships International?
1 comment:
Always nice to see another kit manufacturer putting out 144 material. And of course, it had to be Czech Republic! It seems to me that CZ produces a lot of talented resin manufacturers, which is always a welcome sight. Let's not forget photoetched parts as well. It's almost an exclusive staple of CZ. Keep it up boys!
These conversion sets appear to be very nice and definitely worth looking into.
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