Well, I had heard that F-Toys had an announcment and thought maybe it was one fo the Area88 Wonderfest Specials, or even the "official" display of StarWars Vol.3!?
But, no! - under the radar comes.... A new Heliborne Series.
3x EH-101 / (Kawasaki MCH/CH-101 (license built))
- JMSDF MCH-101 (LightGray&White, for Minesweep/Cargo)
- JMSDF CH-101 (OD&Orange, for icebreaker "SHIRASE") - YouTube
- Military British RAF HC3(?) "Merlin"
3x KV-107 Japanese License Version of (Boeing Vertol 107 Kawasaki KV-107
- JGSDF (OD&Brown Camo, for Cargo)
- JASDF (White & Yellow, for Rescue)
- JMSDF (White & DeepBlue, for Minesweep)
3x Eurocoptor EC-145/ MBB-Kawasaki BK-117 (under License)
- BK117 (White with Red Line, for AeroAsahi "Doctor Heli")
- USArmy UH-72 (OD)
- Civil Rescue (German ADAC EC-145 Rescue)
Available: unkown (3-6 months?)
Price: Unkown (usual price?
Source: e-mail, and thanks to Morihachitoraya
extra pictures at 8-Bee Blog
3 excelent itens!!!
As we voted in Helo pool...
Merlin...a super helo..with several AF and Navy users...
Ch-46 in cheap and great quantities.. to make several Marines camos..
And Bk117...is a nice helo too and unreleased in this scale before..(hmm...is possible modified to a Bo-105 of HEER with some resin and new clear canopy?)
After Star Wars 3...and Helos 4...we could still dream!!!
A fine choice by F-toys, worth collecting.
I saw them at the Wonderfest.
I am writing more;
3x EH-101
- JMSDF MCH-101 (LightGray&White, for Minesweep/Cargo)
- JMSDF CH-101 (OD&Orange, for icebreaker "SHIRASE")
- RAF (Maybe HC.3? unspecified types)
3x KV-107
- JGSDF (OD&Brown,for Cargo)
- JASDF (White&Yellow,for Rescue)
- JMSDF (White&DeepBlue,for Minesweep)
3x Eurocoptor EC-145/ MBB-Kawasaki BK-117 (under License)
- BK117 (White&RedLine, for AeroAsahi "Doctor Heli")
- USArmy UH-72 (OD)
- ADAC BK117 (Yellow, for ADAC(Germany))
BK117s color scheme are very interesting.
"Doctor Heli" appeared in Japanese TV Drama.
ADAC BK117 was operated by automobile club in Germany,It is interesting to me.
If MH-53E be released , JMSDF's Minesweeper Heli all completed :)
Thank you.
Thank you for the extra information on the JMSDF helicopters.
It is most helpful!!
Finally a Merlin!
And the others are pretty sweet too.
I am glad to be useful:)
More Photos!
It's a first part of three, of my comments to Heliborne 4
Dear Friends,
It’s delightful to see that the new F-Toys heliborne edition is coming. I found some better quality pictures on the website http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10109728, which I used as a references. Before the new models will land on our desks, let me give some comments about the chosen types. I owe You an explanation, that I have started to write these comments just after first message at Kampfgruppe 144 website, but it took me a bit of time, so some informations can double the later posts.
EC-145 / BK-117 - first let me tell that the designation used by the company is a little confusing, as it refers to the same family of helicopters, but to very different versions. The BK-117, designed by then MBB in West Germany (currently Eurocpter Germany) and Kawasaki in Japan around 30 years ago, is still one of the most successful helicopters of its class, especially as HEMS/Rescue, corporate or oil rig service rotorcraft. It’s final model, designed at the beginning of new Millenium is the EC.145, which in official factory documents is still named as “BK-117C-2”. However both these models differ from each other as much as Spitfire Mk I and Mk XVI, or – to look into the cars’ world – VW Golf from 1974 and 2008. The older variants have characteristic box-like fuselage, with its usefulness winning over beauty – see:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Helicopter_BK_117_taking_off_from_university_clinic_helipad_in_Bonn.JPG
The EC.145 fuselage is not only slightly larger, but also more streamlined and stylized. So, retaining all the values of older models, the newest one is also more pleased for an eye, see http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/photos/0/4/9/1100940.jpg
So if anyone of You would like to add a real BK-117 into his/her 1:144 collection (eg. famous TV star Medicopter 117, or military Iraqi one), the only chance (except from self – building) is an old Revell snap-tite Mini Kit which is approx. in 1:150 scale.
http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/john.whitby/review05.htm (see the last picture)
The F-Toys model is definitively EC.145 only. However the new model gives us nice opportunities too. The company makes it in three interesting variants, two of which are really very special. The olive one is an “Americanized” version UH-72A (former UH-145) “Lakota”
This newly introduced type serves as an utility transport / medevac vehicle in continental USA and soon should be seen in Europe. To improve the model I recommend changes of antennas and skid steps plus addition of wire – cutting blades over and below the windscreen and optional rescue winch.
The yellow one is operated by German HEMS company under the name of German National Automobile Club ADAC. Model looks basically correct, especially with its different nose, housing weather radar. However the oversized steps on the landing skids need correction again, see http://skyhunterhobby.com/communities/4/004/006/300/514/images/4527253037.jpg
This ADAC models gives nice opportunities for conversions into the other rescue variants, eg. Swiss REGA (note rescue winch and absence of radar nose) or French Gendarmerie and Securite Civile:
And finally – some pictures of Doctor Heli copter:
Milosz from Poland
It's a first part of three, of my comments to Heliborne 4
Dear Friends,
It’s delightful to see that the new F-Toys heliborne edition is coming. I found some better quality pictures on the website http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10109728, which I used as a references. Before the new models will land on our desks, let me give some comments about the chosen types. I owe You an explanation, that I have started to write these comments just after first message at Kampfgruppe 144 website, but it took me a bit of time, so some informations can double the later posts.
EC-145 / BK-117 - first let me tell that the designation used by the company is a little confusing, as it refers to the same family of helicopters, but to very different versions. The BK-117, designed by then MBB in West Germany (currently Eurocpter Germany) and Kawasaki in Japan around 30 years ago, is still one of the most successful helicopters of its class, especially as HEMS/Rescue, corporate or oil rig service rotorcraft. It’s final model, designed at the beginning of new Millenium is the EC.145, which in official factory documents is still named as “BK-117C-2”. However both these models differ from each other as much as Spitfire Mk I and Mk XVI, or – to look into the cars’ world – VW Golf from 1974 and 2008. The older variants have characteristic box-like fuselage, with its usefulness winning over beauty – see:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Helicopter_BK_117_taking_off_from_university_clinic_helipad_in_Bonn.JPG
The EC.145 fuselage is not only slightly larger, but also more streamlined and stylized. So, retaining all the values of older models, the newest one is also more pleased for an eye, see http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/photos/0/4/9/1100940.jpg
So if anyone of You would like to add a real BK-117 into his/her 1:144 collection (eg. famous TV star Medicopter 117, or military Iraqi one), the only chance (except from self – building) is an old Revell snap-tite Mini Kit which is approx. in 1:150 scale.
http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/john.whitby/review05.htm (see the last picture)
The F-Toys model is definitively EC.145 only. However the new model gives us nice opportunities too. The company makes it in three interesting variants, two of which are really very special. The olive one is an “Americanized” version UH-72A (former UH-145) “Lakota”
This newly introduced type serves as an utility transport / medevac vehicle in continental USA and soon should be seen in Europe. To improve the model I recommend changes of antennas and skid steps plus addition of wire – cutting blades over and below the windscreen and optional rescue winch.
The yellow one is operated by German HEMS company under the name of German National Automobile Club ADAC. Model looks basically correct, especially with its different nose, housing weather radar. However the oversized steps on the landing skids need correction again, see http://skyhunterhobby.com/communities/4/004/006/300/514/images/4527253037.jpg
This ADAC models gives nice opportunities for conversions into the other rescue variants, eg. Swiss REGA (note rescue winch and absence of radar nose) or French Gendarmerie and Securite Civile:
And finally – some pictures of Doctor Heli copter:
Milosz from Poland
Part two of three
Hello, that's me again. I'm affraid, that my first comment was posted twice. Sorry, I'm much better in helicopters than in internet. Well, let's go to:
Kawasaki – Vertol KV 107 II
This medium weight twin rotor transport helicopter was built by Kawasaki under Boeing Vertol license. It was operated by all three services until the end of 2009. Some examples found their way to civilian operators. The F-Toys launched the model in three JSDF forces colours and models display both sub-variants of undercarriage sponsons. The smaller are used in non-amphibious variants, while the bigger “sausages” are provided for water landing.
The available models represent three versions:
1) Army Tactical Transport
2) Air Force SAR
3) Navy utility and minesweeping
(note different undercarriage sponsons)
These models will offer interesting opportunities of conversions:
The only problem is the different shape of rear end of fuselage, according to placement of APU turbine. Compare the following pictures:
It’s important to check the particular example of helicopter, You would like to build.
The perfectionists will show their skills using resin and/or putty, the rest of collectors can just forget about it, turning their models into helicopters operated by:
- USMC or US Navy
Swedish Armed Forces (note unusual radar mount)
Canadian Armed Forces, famous rescue CH-113 Labradors
The history of colours of Canadian Voyageurs and Labradors could be found at the modelers website http://www.belcherbits.com/lines/decals/bd11.htm
Saudi Arabia
Not to forget civilian variants – passenger “air buses” from 1960-ies and 70-ies
…and current workhorses in North America:
And finally part three and the last:
AgustaWestland EH.101 (currently AW.101)
The biggest problem is that Japan has purchased this helicopter (plus license rights) in the version originally designed as civilian (passenger). Consequently the airframe has the largest number of windows of all the EH.101s ever built. It doesn’t matter if the model will represent one of a bit over dozen examples operated by Japanese Naval S. D. Forces for maritime patrol, minesweeping or sub polar areas research support:
and some more nice pictures at the AgustaWestland’s own website:
However the third member of F-Toys family is something far away from reality. Its colour suggests Royal Air Force version. But if You would like to add a realistically looking “Merlin” HC.3 to Your collection, some work will be necessary.
First – to correct number, size and shape of all fuselage windows. The more experienced modelers can fill the unwanted “holes”, cut new ones and make an observation “bubbles” e.g. from the transparent foil used for medicines storage (sorry, I don’t know the shortest popular term to describe that thing). Less experienced can just repaint the whole side of fuselage and imitate the windows with black or blue decals. British variant will need some more details – RWR receivers, flare launchers and – not every example – the aerial refueling probe.
If You will feel Your window-making skills as well practiced, the next challenges will be easy to face. The conversions to Canadian CH-149 Cormorant
or Portugal Mk 512
will need careful window check and addition of undernose radome, FLIR head, rescue winch and specific antennas. The Danish rescue version is more difficult with its unusual asymmetrical nose:
What is rather too big task is to rebuilt F-Toys model into Naval variant (eg. British Merlin HM.1 or Italian one), due to very different fuselage shape, with completely redesigned rear part:
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope that I have not bored You with this long comment and that You will find my notes useful.
Best regards,
This saves time spent in research... is good they choose the Lakota...
One day maybe Revell Ag release a Merlin ... if not ..we can start playing from this F-toys...
Thank you for this information, possibly the most authorative contribution to a post yet!
I echo robertos comment, you have put a lot of effort into these posta nd i think many poeple will both be happy and educated at the information presented!
I for one was not aware of all the detial presented in your text and thank you again!
many thanks
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