The mysterious 1/144 Dora has appeared on the FUJIMI site as a new item!!!
maybe this will be the one that makes it into the HELLER box!?
1/144 組立プラモデル
80cm ドーラ列車砲
now, according to www.XE.com ¥8,400 = £41GBP or $72USD or 60 Euros!
there is a report (in Japanese) with pictures on el-bassers site (he has given persmiion for use of his dora photo) at the following location: http://geocities.yahoo.co.jp/gl/el_basser
it would appear with some care and thought it IS possible to get the dora to run on N-Gauge tracks!
this is not to be confused with the METAL Troops Version also distributed by FUJIMI in japan
1/144 金属部隊80cm(E)ド-ラ列車砲1/144 80cm(E)Dora Railway GunコードNo.15134-2 予価¥75600 6月発売予定 - which costs $640USD, or £368GBP or 540Euro!!
I know which version I will be buying!!!
Well we need wait Wonder festival..next week... in Japan..and the box says..the release is in October... so we have time to save money..and think how to find and order this thing!!
But if this Dora is injected one..and made by Heller...I´m satisfied with detail level...
But the picture in Fujimi's site said the release date is February 10, not October. It should be available soon.
Oh sorry I confused...I thinked was 10 month of year... hehe...
WTM is right....
it is on sale NOW in japan!
El-basser has already bought one and has a report (japanese) on his website!
I suggest a quick visit to the HLJ or Aoshima websites pronto!
Can't find it on either site. Any direct links?
btw, great site BD
sorry domichan, I assumed these sites would sell it... I have checked today and it isnt currently listed for sale on any of the usual sites :(
when I find one, I'll let EVERYONE know!!!
ps: thanks for the site, and remember to check the archives!
currently it is for sale in the model shops in Tokyo "Shinjuku" prefecture (district)
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