The postman bought more items today!
I am quite happy with these, they are TAITO edition Panther G with alternate colours.
I was aware of them but had not managed to find any and then out of the blue they appeared on a website I had look at before and behold there they were! - mmm, so after 2 minutes thought I bought them and am glad I did!
The colours are differnet to the original dragon series, and perhaps a there is a bit too much extra colour on some items? However I like the new lighter colours on the other items, in some whats the new lighter matte paint effect makes these items look much better, especially the dark green panther which in this edition also has brown camoflauge patches - much nicer than that old horible green "gloss" shiney paint!
So take a look and enjoy - there is even a new box.
I think in Japan they are sold via amusement arcade game machines, There are the six panthers and 3 diorama cases (like you get with USA cando items) bringing the total items upto #9, the diorama cases are still available - but I am less concerned about these, as i have the cases already - but not boxed for this series.
I hope this means that the "Tiger" and "King Tiger" Taito editions are also reissued!!
I have some of these and had oppertunity to buy some earlier in the year but was stupid and did not purchase them!
Hi BD99
From the pictures, I don't see any big differences between these from the regular Cando offers. Do you mean just some colors may be a little bit different or lighter as it seems the paint schemes are the same too? I think not too many people talk about it may be we see these the same as the regular Cando series. I already have a few each of the original Cando series so I don't think I will spend more money on it. Just my 2 cents.
hi WTM
To be honest thats what I thought, however now I have received these and checked against the originals they are sufficiently different to justify the purchase - maybe the photo's dont do them justice.
TO be honest thats why I didnt rush to buy the king tigers, but by the time I had them and checked tehm it was too late to get the others....
and whilst it may not be the best argument for buying them.... lets look at the WTM releases..... are the sherman and panthers that different from one release to the other - some of those even have the same paint jobs!?
at the end of the day you pay your money and make your choices....
as a german armour collector i am happy.... I know some of the sherman boys won't be rushing out to splash some cash on them, but that is ok - it means when these items come up for sale they will be cheaper for me :)
Understand. In your case, you may want to check the Cando Japan version against the US version as I found they are a little bit different in term of color. Like the Panther you mentioned, the first Panther (in Green) released in Japan which I bought from Japan had a lighter color and matt finish rather the gloss finish for those sold in the US. I think since these are still hand painted, you can still find variances from different batches.
It will be nice if you can put these 2 together in a picture so we can all see the differences.
wtm sounds like a reasonable request. maybe sunday?
it is even more curios as all my panther are japanese versions.....
except the special "small turm" which is a US pack.
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